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Buried in his Boots

Buried in His Boots book cover - woman with digging dog

Brilliant house. Amazing views. I thought I’d hit the house-sitting jackpot until Claude, the big beagle lookalike, unearthed a body from behind a collapsing wall in the yard. First we saw the distinctive boots that proved to be a truly gruesome trophy. This led to all sorts of speculation.

Hi – I’m Merry Summerfield, freelance book editor and house-sitter of Drizzle Bay. I’ve been tipped out of my beach-side haven because it’s now a crime scene - but do you think that’ll stop me trying to discover what really happened?

The murderers won’t be Dex and Dom - the short, bald, house renovators - because this is their lovely new home. Boastful Brett Royal from the Whale Watch boat is talking far too much and bringing the murder to everyone’s attention, so it’s probably not him. My brother’s new equestrian girlfriend? But she seems so nice! The semi-criminal boys being trained on the forestry land in the hills? Hmmm…

Suggestions come thick and fast, but nothing seems quite right. Detectives Bruce Carver and Marion Wick are in hot pursuit of the truth, but they won’t solve the mystery of whether my summer flirtation will be with Vicar Paul or Black-ops John. That remains as murky as the mud on Lord Drizzle’s farm. Maybe a Christmas concert will help?


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